“The creative process involved in the making of art is healing and life enhancing.” American Art Therapy Association, Mission Statement As stated in The Art Therapy Sourcebook by Cathy Malchiodi Process over product. This is an essential pillar of art therapy. Focus on the process of making art instead of the product that’s created at the end. Shifting the way you approach your art making will make it a more therapeutic experience. It can help you feel more grounded, find meaning in your art, gain insight into your life, and support being more intentional not only in your art making, but also in other areas of your life. How you show up with your art will transfer to other areas of your life. Here are some questions to consider before, during, and after making art to help focus on the process over the product: Before:
Download this free cheat sheet that you can print out and have next to you for future art making sessions.
What other helpful questions might you ask to focus on process over product? Share in the comments below.
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